Business Diagnostics Cobots

Using Unicist AI and Binary Actions to Ensure Results

Unicist Cobot

Business Diagnostics Cobots

Integrating Fundamental and Technical Diagnostics

The business diagnostics cobots sustain decisions. They develop diagnoses based on assessing the functionality of business functions and processes based on the results that are produced. They evaluate the functionality of the processes and objects included in business functions.

Using Ontogenetic Maps

These cobots are prescriptive diagnostics cobots that provide binary actions to manage the problems that are being diagnosed. They include the pilot tests that need to be done to confirm the functionality.  

Developing Binary Actions

These cobots provide the operational binary actions that are needed to solve problems based on the rules that categorize such problems, which are integrated with rules that manage the avoidance of negative consequences. They include the pilot tests that need to be done to confirm the functionality of the solutions.  
